Questions about Swim Team Transfers and “Unattached” (UN)Swimmers
What exactly does “Unattached” status mean?
- A swimmer in “unattached” status can still practice with the new team, be a part of that team’s activities, but cannot score, or post times as a member of that team, until their 120 day waiting period is over.
- Unattached swimmers CAN compete in swim meets.
- Unattached swimmers cannot compete in any relays at meets.
How do I go about transferring to another team?
- Download the USA Swimming transfer form, fill out all of the information, and send it to the Waterloo Swimming Office with the fee. Transferring within South Texas LSC(ST) costs $0. Transfer from outside of South Texas to ST costs $15 per transfer.
- Our information:
- Swim Club Name: Waterloo Swimming
- Swim Club Code: WLOO
- LSC Code: ST
- Both the coach of your old team, and the new team, will receive a copy of the approved transfer form from ST.
- PLEASE NOTE: there is a line on the transfer form to sign indicating that you have no outstanding debt to the team you are leaving. You need to take care of this…Waterloo Swimming will not be involved nor with South Texas Swimming or USA Swimming.
How long do I have to wait before I can be “attached” to the new team?
The waiting period is 120 days from the last date of competition, in a USA sanctioned, approved or observed meet, as a member of your old team. Rec or Summer League meets are not counted
How long is the waiting period if I want to transfer from a team to UN status?
There is no waiting period.
How long is the waiting period if I want to transfer back to my old team, from Unattached status?
- If you didn’t represent any other club from the time you switched to UN, you can transfer back to your old team without a waiting period.
- If you did compete and post results under another team name (excluding College and Prep School Teams that are strictly non-USA Swimming Clubs), you will have to wait the 120 days.
Will the SWIMS database only keep my times when I am unattached to a team?
Your times follow your USA Swimming ID #. So, if last year you swam on one team, and then transferred to another, all of your times stay with your name, including when you were in “Unattached” status.
Is it ok for an individual swimmer to be “unattached (UN-ST)” all the time?
Yes, many times a swimmer will practice on their own and, for whatever reason, cannot be a part of a team. They have all of the same privileges regarding entering meets and posting results. They cannot be a part of a relay team.
Will unattached swimmers be covered by USA Swimming’s insurance?
Yes, all members registered with USA Swimming are covered by their insurance policy.
If a group of swimmers are swimming “unattached”, will they be covered as a “team”?
As long as the unattached athletes are supervised at all times by a USA Swimming coach member, they have insurance coverage during practice.
How does an unattached swimmer enter a meet if they are not associated with a group, or coach, that would enter them?
- Simply contact the meet entry chairperson that is listed on the meet information page and ask if you can enter their meet. They will then direct you how they would like you to enter. Usually it is through a paper entry form or written in the text of an email. You will send the payment directly to the entry chairperson by the proper deadline.
- Read the entire meet information packet associated with the meet, because you should be as aware of the procedures as a team/coach would be.
- Unattached Swimmers: You should keep a copy of your USA SWIMMING Athlete member card available so that you can reference your ID#. This # is needed for entering meets and for other tasks you may want to do on the USA Swimming website. The ID # is 14 characters long: birthdate (xx00yy), first three letters of first name (abc), middle inititial (d), first 4 letters for last name (efgh). If you do not have a middle initial or last name four letters or longer, the missing characters are a star (*).