Swim Team Policies

Please take the time to review our policies. These must be strictly enforced in order to meet our commitment of providing timely, quality service to all of our customers.

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy

Waterloo Swimming follows USA Swimming’s MAAPP. Click here for more details on the Policy.

    • Signing Up for Competitive Groups

      • Evaluations: Evaluations are required for placement onto the Waterloo Swim Team Groups.

        We offer free swim team evaluations on Saturdays at the 620 and Round Rock locations, no appointment needed. Please be at the pool at 12:30pm and ready to swim by 12:45pm. We stop accepting swim team evaluations at 12:45 so please be on time. Email info@waterlooswimming.com for any questions.

        If you enroll your child before the evaluation, you are subject to fees and/or being dropped from the program.
      • Wait Lists:
        • Many factors determine how we manage our wait list. We have a set number of lanes and hours to balance availability across all skill levels. Sometimes there is room at one level, but a wait list at another. We will not put a swimmer in a level that is not a good fit for them simply because there is availability or the practice time is more convenient. It would not be a good experience and potentially unsafe to have mixed level skills in a single class.
        • Based on the length of the wait list and the amount of room available, priority may be given to swimmers of current members.
      • Request to change practice time:
        • We understand that families are busy and being pulled many directions throughout the year. If you need to change your child’s swim practice time, please contact us. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. Changing back to your original time is not always an option.
        • Transfers must be completed at least 1 week in advance.
    • Elite Group

      • Once a commitment is made to the Elite Team, dues are payable each month. Personal appointments, vacations and other activities should not interfere with the Elite team practice and meet schedule. Elite team swimmers withdrawing and returning in the same season are responsible for monthly fees missed.
      • Attendance is critical at this level of commitment for our sport. 85% attendance is mandatory in this group. This includes any practices you attend with your HS. Attendance will be monitored monthly. If your swimmers falls below the 85% attendance your swimmer will be on probation (assuming there’s not a medical or other excused reason). If after the second month of below 85% attendance, your swimmer is subject to moving to the Senior group.
  • Practice Policies

    • Late Arrival: If you are late or not ready when the instructor calls for your child, the instructor will only be able to swim the child for the remainder of the allotted practice time. Please try to be on time and have your swimmer use the restroom before practice.
    • Student Illness: If your child has a medical reason for not being able to attend for more than one week in a row, please contact us and let us know.
    • Coach Requests: We do not guarantee coach requests.
    • Coach Absence: There may be occasions when our coaches are absent due to illness, vacation, or time away from work. In this event, another qualified coach will provide your child’s practice.
  • Swim Team Policies

    Key Practice and Meet Policies: Please review our Practice and Swim Meet Policies below. There are created to help enable your swimmer to achieve their goals in the water.

      • Swim Practice Attendance: Attendance at practice is a critical component of training. Each group beginning with Bronze 2 has a group attendance goal of either 50% (B2, JV1/JV2 and Varsity) or 75% (S1, S2, Gold, Sr) – see Elite’s Specific Goals. This goal is in place to help keep swimmers moving forward in our sport. This is not the minimum standard to stay in the group. This goal is used to set the “move-up” criteria between the groups. For information on move-ups, click HERE.
      • How the practice attendance policy works: Swimmers in groups that have a goal of 50% will be required to maintain a minimum of 25% (i.e. one half the 50% goal) throughout the season. Swimmers in groups that have a goal of 75% attendance will be required to maintain a minimum of 38% attendance (i.e. one half the 75% goal) throughout the season. Swimmers who are not able to meet the minimum standards will be put on probation the following season and will be asked to maintain the group minimums throughout that probation season in order to remain in that group. If at the end of the probation season your swimmer does not attend the minimum 25% or 38% attendance, then your swimmer will be asked to move to an appropriate group that has lower attendance requirements. A 30 day withdrawal policy may apply if your swimmer chooses not to continue with Swim Fitness.
      • High School and Summer League attendance counting for practice attendance: If your swimmer is on the HS Swim Team, their attendance at HS swim practice WILL COUNT towards their attendance goals (we understand a school grade is associated with the HS Swim Team as well as each ISD has differing practice policies related to HS vs club workouts). If your swimmer is on a Summer League team, we ask your swimmer to continue to maintain the minimum of their group (25% or 38%) attendance throughout the entire season (i.e. April through August for Long Course and September through March for Short Course) in order to not be put on probation.
      • High School and Summer League Meets counting for Waterloo meet attendance: High School and Summer League Meets do not conflict with the possibility to attend USAS swim meets in some fashion. For example, come attend a Sunday Waterloo meet and swim one event and it counts towards your meet attendance. Or attend a Friday event at another swim meet and it counts towards your meet attendance.
      • Mid-Season Swim Meet & Championship Meet Attendance: All swimmers on the swim team will be required to attend the number of meets outlined below. Swimmers who do not meet the minimum standards for their group will be put on probation the following season and will be REQUIRED to maintain the group’s minimum standards throughout the following season in order to remain on the swim team. Swimmers who do not make the swim meet attendance during the probation season will be transferred to a comparable Swim Fit group which does not have required swim meet attendance goals. A 30 day withdrawal policy may apply if your swimmer chooses not to continue with Swim Fitness.
      • Why have a minimum? Because we want to see your swimmer have the best opportunity to improve their technique, endurance and times during the swim season. We feel like having these standards sets our swimmers up for success and helps maintain each group’s culture. We are building the culture of Attendance + Effort = Success.
      • Championship Meet Attendance (Individual Events): All swimmers in the group are required to attend their group’s championship meet if they make the meet qualification time standards. We ask that all swimmers regardless of when they swim and how many individual events to attend the entire Championship Meet. Your swimmer might make a relay team at the meet as a result of his/her fast swim at the meet…or another swimmer being injured, etc…so please plan on attending the entire meet. If your family has questions about whether or not your swimmer is on a relay and/or financial considerations for staying the entire meet, please discuss directly with your swimmer’s coach.
      • Championship Meet Attendance (Relays and Relay Only Swimmers): All swimmers in group are required to attend their group’s championship meet…this ALSO includes relay only swimmers. Relay participants are included in the meet submission, but not always who will swim the relay. The swimmers that make up the fastest time will swim the relay at the meet. That sometimes means a swimmer that drops time at the Championship Meet WILL swim the relay instead of the swimmer with the faster seed time. And, our coaches have discretion to change relay members if they believe that a swimmer will have a faster relay time than another swimmer based on practice, illness, etc.Relay only swimmers will be communicated before the meet in a timely fashion so that parents can make proper travel arrangements. For relay only swimmers, it is a great opportunity to get the Championship Meet experience under your belt and hopefully next season get individual cuts. Relays typically score 2x the points at a Championship Meet, so it is very important to the Team that we have these swimmers representing the Team at the meet. Similar to attending a long weekend soccer tournament, all swimmers attending the Championship Meet might be put in to play (i.e. a relay), but they are also there to cheer on their team. And at some of the Championship Meets, relay only swimmers are allowed to swim Time Trial events – getting the benefit of racing at the meet individually too.
    Group Meet Requirements Group Championship Meet Attendance Goal Minimum Attendance
    Elite 1 meet per month plus Championship Meet Sectionals/Nationals 75% 75%
    Senior 2 meets per season plus Championship Meet STAGs/Sectionals 75% 38%
    Gold 1 meet per month plus Championship Meet TAGs 75% 38%
    Varsity 2 meets per season plus Championship Meets STX/STAGs 50% 25%
    Silver 2 1 meet per month plus Championship Meets TAGs (11-12) & STAGs (13-14) 75% 38%
    JV1/JV2 1 meet per season plus Championship Meet STX 50% 25%
    Silver 1 3 meets per season plus Championship Meets TAGS (10U) & STAGs (12U) 75% 38%
    Bronze 2 2 meets per season plus Championship Meet STAGs (10U) & STX (12U) 50% 25%
    Bronze 1 1 meet per season plus Championship Meet STX 50% N/A
    • No swimmer is allowed to attend any meet that is not on the Waterloo swim meet calendar unless first approved by that swimmer’s coach and the head coach.
    • Additionally, please see swimmer and parent swim meet code of conduct.
  • Financial Matters

    • Payment Policy: Waterloo processes all transactions electronically. We process charges on the first business day of the month. We accept VISA, MasterCard and bank draft.
    • Insufficient Funds: There is a $30 fee for each declined transaction. Tuition and fees must be paid before the next practice. If a debit payment is declined twice, payment in full must be made by cashiers check, money order, cash or credit card before the next lesson.
    • Withdrawal from Swim Team: Swim Team may conclude any time during the month. We require 30 days notice before withdrawing from programming so that we have time to settle your account. Ex. If you provide Waterloo notice on April 15th that you will be leaving, Waterloo will only bill 15 days of the month of May. In other words, your final bill will be prorated for Mays invoice. Please notify Waterloo via info@waterlooswimming.com.
    • Re-Enrollment: If you drop or withdraw from a class due to medical or personal reasons and re-enroll after 90 days of being out of Waterloo programming, your swimmer will need to be evaluated prior to re-enrolling into the class. This is to confirm the swimmers current level of abilities for the given class.
    • Swim Team Time Off: Waterloo swim team (Bronze 1, Bronze 2, Silver 1, Silver 2, Gold, Senior, JV1/JV2, Varsity, Elite) take the first week of RRISD schedule class start off as well as the scheduled Spring Break. We also take off major holidays, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, etc. Waterloo does not take an extended break over the winter holidays. There is no pro-rating swim team group tuition for time off.
    • Pricing
      • Annual Family Registration Fee: $50 paid on the anniversary of initial registration. This fee is not prorated.
      • Annual Competitive Swimmer Registration Fee: $195(per swimmer ) paid at registration and renewed annually every September 1 or when you join the swim team thereafter. This fee is not prorated. This fee includes the following: a Waterloo swim team suit, water bottle, two Waterloo swim team shirts, Waterloo swim cap, and miscellaneous swim team swag.
      • Annual USA Swimming Registration: USA Swimming has a membership registration and it is required for all competitive swimmers, regardless of participation in swim meets. Waterloo follows USA Swimmings fee policies and timelines. Fees for swimmers joining WLOO in the last quarter of any calendar year will apply to the subsequent year. There are no USA Swimming fees for swimmers transferring from another team within South Texas LSC, providing their registration is current. This fee will be paid directly to USA Swimming.
      • Registration Fee Renewals: All annual registration fees will be assessed as scheduled above, unless a withdrawal form is received 30 days prior.
      • Group Pricing:
        • Bronze 1: $170/month
        • Bronze 2: $195/month
        • JV1: $200/month
        • JV2: $210/month
        • Silver 1: $220/month
        • Silver 2: $230/month
        • Varsity: $220/month
        • Gold: $240/month
        • Senior 1: $230/month
        • Senior 2: $240/month
        • Elite: $270/month
    • Prorating:
      • Waterloo will prorate by the week when joining or withdrawing from the team.
    • Private Lessons with a USA Swimming certified coach: $95 for 30 minutes.
  • Competition Expenses
    • Meet Entry Fees: Upon your declaration to swim, WLOO coaching staff will enter your swimmer(s) in all swim meets on your behalf. If you declare a given meet, you will be responsible for all meet entry fees, regardless of whether your swimmer swims or not. If you enter the meet and are entered into relays you must notify the WLOO coaches if you cannot attend. You may be responsible for the entire relay fee if WLOO coaches cannot find a suitable replacement.
    • Meet Fees: Upon declaration of an event, you will be responsible for all possible meet fees including not scratching, no show, deck entries, etc.  If you “Declare” to enter the meet and do NOT select events, the coach will select for you.  Please add a note if your swimmer(s) can only attend a specific day(s) otherwise the coach will assume your swimmer(s) attendance at the meet all days. Parents will be responsible for all meet fees unless they “Decommit” from the swim meet prior to the registration deadline.  Please ensure you read the Meet Info for every meet to understand your obligations.
    • Athlete Travel ExpensesIf Waterloo pays travel, meet, etc fees on behalf of the swimmer, Waterloo will invoice the family and these fees are due upon receipt. We try to provide travel expenses prior to traveling, but it is difficult to determine exact costs prior to departure. The final amount due will be invoiced after travel is complete.
      • USAS National Meet Expenses: Waterloo travels with our National Team as a Team.  Waterloo will pay up front travel (airfare, transportation, hotel, meals, etc) for all families.  Families will be charged on their account those expenses at the next billing cycle.  Waterloo will submit for all swimmers reimbursement to South Texas – pending South Texas’ reimbursement rules and budget.
      • Team Training Trip Expenses: Waterloo travels to Training Trips as a Team.  Waterloo will pay up front travel (airfare, transportation, hotel, meals, etc) for all families.  This includes each families pro-rated costs for covering the coaching staff costs (excluding salaries).  Typically these trips are budgeted ahead of time and Waterloo makes ever attempt to charge families 2-3 months ahead of the actual trip monthly – to help space out the costs in a monthly fashion.  Once the trip is completed, final costs will be invoiced in the next billing cycle.
    • Coach Travel Fee: For swim meets in town there is an additional $10 per swimmer fee ($20 for out of town) to help cover coaches expenses (travel, lodging, meals, etc).
    • Event fee: There is an additional $2 per entered event WLOO fee to assist covering administrative costs with the swim meet.

Photographs and Videos

Waterloo may take photos recordings and videos. We may use those images for advertising, social media, promotional activities and/or educational use.

Security and Personal Property

Waterloo Swimming trusts that their customers would never take things that do not belong to them. That being said, sometimes items get misplaced, and yes, sometimes taken. Waterloo Swimming is not responsible for lost or stolen items.