FULL PRESS RELEASE: Organization: Waterloo Swimming Web: www.waterlooswimming.com Media Contact: Head Coach Mike Varozza, mike@waterlooswimming.com WATERLOO SWIMMING ANNOUNCES 2 ND LOCATION IN AUSTIN AUSTIN, TX, September 28, 2020 – Waterloo Swimming is excited to...
Swim Blog & Articles
First Dip Safety Tips
Even though we’re stuck indoors the weather is getting sunnier and the kids are getting even more restless for new activities. The pool could be just the answer to keep everyone from going stir crazy. Before you and your family jump in though be sure to keep these...
Olympic Pool or Trainging Pool?
Here at Waterloo Swimming in Austin Texas, we have two indoor pools in which we run all our programming. We often get asked what is the difference in water temperature and what programs are in each. Below will describe each pool and what programs are in either. The...
Benefits of Early Swimming
We have many parents ask us, “When should my child start lessons?” And while asking your pediatrician if your baby is ready for swimming is the first step, our recommendation is to begin as young as six months. There are a few main reasons we chose this age to...
Mermaiding – Join the Pod
Beginner For swimmers in Waterloo White through Novice 1 levels, or with comparable skills. Goals Mermaiding Safety Rules Mermaid floating, undulation, and sculling Deep-dive retrievals and recoveries Environmental awareness and water conservation Specifications This...
Why You Should Want Your Kids to Learn to Swim
We are partial to swimming – of course – because it's what we do. A few of us at Waterloo were sitting around and noodling on why you should want your kids to learn to swim. We all agreed, by teaching your kids to swim, you are investing in your their safety and...
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