Swim Blog & Articles

Winter Skin and Swimming

So it's winter time and my swimmer is telling me that their skin is itchy and dry...why? Did the pool guy turn up the chlorine levels? Likely not...it's the dry weather that is causing your swimmer's skin to dry out. So, first...swimmers are likely to have drier skin...

Benefits of Early Swimming

Benefits of Early Swimming

We have many parents ask us, “When should my child start lessons?” And while asking your pediatrician if your baby is ready for swimming is the first step, our recommendation is to begin as young as six months. There are a few main reasons we chose this age to...

6 Myths of Summer League v. USA Swimming

We have visiting parents, with kids in summer league (8-10 week programs) who are interested in joining a year round program (USA Swimming), ask us lots of questions about swimming club. They are generally concerned about the timecommitment and seriousness, as well as...

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